[RA-05] External consoltation of lymphoid neoplasms
Diagnosis of lymphomas is complex and requires resource higher than common cancers. In the difficolt cases, the general pathologists coold request external consoltation (EC) for the interpretive judgment from the haematopathologists. The aim of this review is to reveal recent international experiences of external consoltation in lymphoid neoplasms (LN). Regarding the EC of LN, the major diagnostic revision ranges from 16% to 55% with non-...
[OA-09] Assessment of different cut-offs of equivocal HER2 IHC in breast cancer for HER2 ISH to reach appropriate sensitivity, AUC and reduction of ISH assay
The equivocal range of HER2 immunohistochemistry (IHC) is complete weak to moderate staining > 10% of breast cancer cells. This range has increased the numbers of HER2 in situ hybridisation (ISH) testing compared to the previous recommendations. ...