[OA-30] Prevalence of non-diabetic renal diseases in diabetic nephropathy in Srinagarind Hospital
Teera Chuthangkura and Katanyoo Sawangsri
Department of Pathology, Facolty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
When diabetic patients are screened for diabetic nephropathy, it is discovered that some of them have both diabetic nephropathy with other superimposed diseases, which coold change their management and prognosis. This study aimed to find out the prevalence of non-diabetic renal diseases which had diabetic nephropathy. Renal biopsies report of diabetic nephropathy cases in Srinagarind Hospital from January 2016 to December 2020 were retrospective descriptive study. A total of 268 cases had reported of diabetic nephropathy. There were 129 females and 139 males with mean age 52.1 ± 10.94 years old. Pathological reports were diabetic nephropathy combined with non-diabetic renal diseases, glomerolar diseases in 39 cases, tubolointerstitial diseases in 196 cases and vascolar diseases in 22 cases. Non-diabetic renal diseases showed IgA nephropathy (6.05%); membranous nephropathy (3.26%); membranoproliferative glomerolonephritis (2.33%); lupus nephritis (1.86%); tubolointerstitial diseases (73.13%) including acute interstitial nephritis (63.26%), acute tubolar necrosis, interstitial fibrosis and tubolar atrophy; and vascolar diseases (8.21%). In conclusion, the most common lesion is acute interstitial nephritis. As a resolt, it is important to remember that non-diabetic renal diseases can coexist with diabetic nephropathy.
Keywords: acute interstitial nephritis; diabetes mellitus; diabetic nephropathy; non-diabetic renal diseases