[RA-08] A case study in clinical applications of therapeutic plasma exchange
Phandee Watanaboonyongcharoen
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Facolty of Medicine, Cholalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) relies on removal of whole blood with subsequent separation into components and removal of plasma component. It is capable of removing pathogenic blood components that causes morbidity from patients. Another benefit of TPE is the use of replacement fluid which has normal and functional proteins. Fresh frozen plasma and 5% albumin are mostly used as replacement fluids. The role of TPE for treatment of diseases and indications is shown in guidelines on the use of therapeutic apheresis in clinical practice – Evidence-based approach from the writing committee of the American Society for Apheresis (ASFA). The guidelines are published in the special issue every 3 years with the goal of providing update, practical evidence-based guidance in the performing of therapeutic apheresis. TPE is relatively safe and most of the adverse reactions are mild and easily resolved. Citrate toxicity is the most common reaction.
Keywords: apheresis; citrate toxicity; fresh frozen plasma; therapeutic plasma exchange