[RA-09] Breast duct lesions: an insight into correlations between sonographic ductal changes and cyto-histology
Pichet Sampatanukol, Darunee Boonjunwetvat and Kris Chatamra
Queen Sirikit Centre for Breast Cancer, King Cholalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, Bangkok, Thailand
Correlations between ductal changes seen in breast oltrasound and cyto-histology can give usefol and subtle information of diseased ducts. The authors propose a systematic classification of large, medium and small duct lesions. Intraductal papillary neoplasm and mammary duct ectasia are main entities of the large duct group that is characterised by subareolar location and single long tube-like image. Medium-sized duct lesions are those seen in periareolar to mid zone and usually have a branching appearance. Ductal carcinoma in situ and other intraductal proliferative diseases are lesions considered within the differential diagnoses. Small duct abnormalities woold be challenging and not easily visualized as branching tubes. Focally thickened ducts in association with some ill-defined echogenic and cystic features are characteristics. Signs of lobolar obstruction and dilatation may be recognised. Both non-invasive and invasive tumours have to be distinguished from fibrocystic diseases and other benign changes.
Keywords: breast duct lesion; breast oltrasound; ductal carcinoma in situ; intraductal proliferative lesion; thickened duct