ระดับฮอร์โมนของต่อมไทรอยด์สูงกว่าปกติอย่างเฉียบพลันจากการแขวนคอสามารถเป็นกลไกการเสียชีวิตได้หรือไม่? (Acute excess levels of thyroid hormones related to hanging — is it a possible mechanism of death?)
Hanging is the most popular method of suicide. Several different mechanisms are explained how death after hanging occurs, including direct injury to the thyroid gland. This study aimed to determine the possibility of death associated with acute excess levels of thyroid hormones in the deceased body by hanging and to find the correlation of thyroid hormone levels and various factors associated with that body. ...
การศึกษาเปรียบเทียบการวัดอัตราการตกตะกอนของเม็ดเลือดแดงโดย ESR Fast Detector และ MIX-RATE® X20 ESR analyser (A comparative study on erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) measurement by ESR Fast Detector and MIX-RATE® X20 ESR analyser)
The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a commonly performed laboratory test for screening and monitoring the inflammatory, infectious, autoimmune and cancerous diseases. There are several methods for measuring the ESR, but the gold standard method is the Westergren method which is time-consuming and requires a large volume of blood sample....